How Do Even You Edit, Anyway?

I’m a writer.

I write things.

I don’t really edit things.

This, I think–well, I know–is an issue. You see, I know editing is an integral part of the writing process. You don’t just write something and shove it out into the world, all inconsistent narratorial voice and excessive commas. I mean, you can. I can. I have, but in terms of the big picture, in terms of making writing a productive part of my life, in terms of seeking publication, yeah–not such a good idea. Continue reading

Discovery Writing and Other Reflections

As a writer I think it’s fair to say that there are some aspects of writing that I’m good at and others I’m not as good at. Everyone who writes is like this–in fact, everyone who lives is like this. No one is good at everything, and thank goodness for that. How strange it would be to be good at everything. Nice at first, I would think, but, like those movies where people get their wishes, I think you’d realize you didn’t want it after all.

(This is also my mindset when making a character for Dungeons & Dragons. I like characters who are bad at certain things. It’s more fun to play a really intelligent wizard who doesn’t notice jack all than it is to play someone who is good at everything. At least for me.) Continue reading